A specialist in early modern Spain, colonial Latin America, and early modern women’s history, I’ve taught at Mary Washington for 21 years. I am also currently the program director of the Women’s and Gender Studies major. I am the first recipient of the College of Liberal Arts, Waple Professorship.
My books include:
Ashgate Research Companion to Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe. Coedited with Katherine McIver and Jane Couchman (Farnham, UK: Ashgate Press, 2013)
Women and Authority in Early Modern Spain: The Peasants of Galicia (Oxford 2005; winner of the 2006 Roland H. Bainton prize)
a two volume, women’s history textbook, Women and Gender in the Western Past, coauthored with Katherine L. French (Houghton-Mifflin, now Cengage 2006)
and Regulating the People: The Catholic Reformation in Seventeenth-Century Spain (Brill, 1998)
For my full C.V.
I have recently published with Susan D. Amussen, “Restoring Miranda: gender and the limits of European patriarchy in the early modern Atlantic world,”
Journal of Global History Volume 7 Issue 03 / November 2012, pp 342-363
For links to my syllabi and class blogs:
HIST 361 Colonial Latin America LAFall09syl
HIST 121 Western Civilization I Civ s2010syl
HIST 362 Modern Latin America syl 2010
HIST 334 Early Modern European Women’s History Eurowomsyl09
HIST 336 The Reformation Ref syl 09